Honey Bee Health


The Stinging Statistics

Honey Bee Health

Since ancient times, bees have been considered an auspicious sign, symbolizing wealth, good luck and prosperity. They have also been an integral part of our ecosystem.

Honey Bees are not a native species to North America.  Since being introduced to the east coast in 1622, honey bees have proliferated to all corners of the country.  Their ultra-organized and efficient pollination power as colonies has supported U.S. and Canadian agriculture. According to HoneyBeeHealthCoalition.org, one in three bites of our food depends to some degree on their pollination. Their pollination methods can result in superior vibrancy, size and shelf-life stability while minimizing food defects.  Their impact on the global sustainable food supply is vital.

Unfortunately, their health has been in decline due to a number of reasons, including pests and disease, extermination, lack of forage and nutrition, exposure to pesticides and communication interferences from electromagnetic pollution put off by cell phones and relay towers.   

In April 2019, NPR reported on important statistics from the Bee Informed Partnership, which surveys nearly 4,700 beekeepers who manage close to 320,000 hives — 12 percent of the total managed honey-producing colonies in the United States. Per the survey, these beekeepers tallied that they lost nearly 40 percent of their honeybee colonies last winter.

We vibe with a conscious hive and together, we can do something about it. 

Plant bee-friendly local flora, support organic farms and ingredients and encourage your community to safely rescue and remove unwanted bees and avoid their extermination. 

Bee Delightful will continue to grow as a voice for our pollinators and help sponsor and support rescue operators throughout the country who will rescue, relocate and rehabilitate at-risk honey bee colonies while exclusively practicing treatment-free beekeeping.

When you purchase a jar of our Canna Bees Rescue Blend™ honey and share our story with your friends and family, you join us in funding the work of our brave beekeepers throughout the country.

Let’s all enjoy their precious gifts responsibly and each do our part to save these important animals!

The Stinging Statistics